Joaquín Murrieta tries to redeem his past by paying with gold or blood from those he abandoned during the war. The family of Joaquín Carrillo is at risk when they face the hostility of the rangers.
Carrillo wants revenge and seeks Damace's support. Harry Love tries to capture Joaquín Murrieta and Adela Cheng.
Joaquín Murrieta and Joaquín Carrillo cross paths in Rarámuri territory. They come together to confront Love and form the Los Joaquines gang.
Love recognises Murrieta as the legendary bandit, Los Joaquines and the Rangers face off, and Carrillo confronts the ranger who ruined his life.
The Joaquines take refuge on Rarámuri land. Murrieta faces the past and finds a sacred plant to save young Adela.
Carrillo makes a proposal to steal the gold he left at his old ranch if they help him get revenge. Bandits cross the fearsome Chiwa territory in the hope of making it out alive.
Juan Manuel Bernal
Joaquín Murrieta
Alejandro Speitzer
Yoshira Escárrega
Emiliano Zurita
Becky Zhu Wu
Adela Cheng