Ed is up against his old bushcraft teacher, Will Lord - world #1 of primitive survival - in Bashan, central China. This time both challengers are without a knife! Ed attempts to climb up a massive cliff in the rain.
Ed takes on Josh James, the "Kiwi bushman," in the Three Parallel Rivers plateau of Yunnan Province; Josh draws on his Maori heritage to make fire in the mountains; Ed is injured and falls in a waterfall and has to figure out how to survive wet.
Ed goes head to head with ex-PSYOPS Marine and real-life ninja Hakim Isler in the notorious Zoige marshes of Sichuan Province.
Ed faces former French Foreign Legion specialist, Xinlei Wu, in the Aksai Desert in China.
Ed challenges Matt "The Juggernaut" Wright in the Wanshan Archipelago off the coast of southern China; they race to secure islands that can provide materials to build rafts capable of a 25km sea crossing; Ed faces his fear when storms come in.
Ed Stafford
Rob Sixsmith
Benjamin Adams Trueheart
Donovan Chan