Geoffrey Arend
Guest Appearances
GREY'S ANATOMY · S10, E15Throwing It All Away
Arizona's bad day escalates when she advises a patient on a potential double amputation; Derek breaks a promise; Stephanie and Jo find an abandoned baby; the nonfraternization rule leads to a suspension.
MADAM SECRETARY · S6, E10Leaving the Station
President Elizabeth McCord kicks off a new landmark political initiative with help from members of the World Cup Champion U.S. Women's Soccer team, while Flo Avery (Cicely Tyson), who was born the day women were granted the right to vote, looks on. Opposing the initiative is Senator Amy Ross (Tyne Daley) from Ohio. Also, the McCords overcome last-minute obstacles to pull off a spectacular family celebration with a reunion of familiar faces, that includes a performance by Peter Frampton.
PRIVATE PRACTICE · S3, E6Slip Slidin' Away
Naomi struggles with the idea of genetically designing babies; Violet suddenly decides to try electric shock therapy on a patient.