Eight hot singles move to a luxury villa in the Caribbean and their first encounter is full of surprises. One of the women steals the men's attention.
Three of the women are sent off to meet a new ex, and on a date they grab a paddle. An ex's arrogant behaviour causes irritation and leads to revenge.
An ex rising from the sea steals one man's attention, which doesn't please all girls. In the evening, the party theme is spring break.
One of the men turns out to be a ruthless player, which causes a surprising duo to team up against him. Clubs are swung on a date.
Someone gets shocking news, and in one relationship a time-out is taken due to a fit of jealousy. The atmosphere tightens as the evening progresses.
The master player's plans go completely awry when his ex shows up at the villa, playing with high stakes. At the party, the bottle is spun.