Rusty must come to the rescue when his friend gets trapped on top of a stack of junk in the recycling yard; Rusty and his friends must bring Mr. Higgins' remote control plane down safely.
A boy and his best friend, a robotic dinosaur, use machine parts to create gadgets.
When Ruby's tablet winds up at the bottom of a lake, Rusty dives in to retrieve it; when the engine fails on a circus train, Rusty must figure out how to fix it before opening night.
When Crush wanders off and is lost, Rusty invents a night flyer to find him in the dark; Rusty goes on a retrieval mission when Liam loses his stuffy out the train window.
The group's ski trip is thwarted by a large rock pile on the way to Pliers Peak; Ruby and Rusty earn their camping badges.
Ruby performs at the Sprocketville Talent Show; Liam launches a giant balloon while inside the basket and Rusty and Ruby try to bring him back down.
Kyle Breitkopf
Helen King
Ranger Anna
Samuel Faraci
Ava Preston
Julie Lemieux