After meeting with her divorce attorney and estranged husband, a devoted mother of three vanishes into air; as friends and family desperately try to locate her, the husband instead plays a psychopathic game of cat and mouse with investigators.
Hikers in Portland discover the badly decomposed body of a raped and strangled young girl; A month later, another woman turns up brutally murdered in same fashion; the prime suspect is a homeless drifter harboring dark sexual fantasies.
A 33-year-old oil rig worker calls 911 to report his girlfriend missing; he seems to be helping in the time-critical hunt to find her; a failed polygraph test leads detectives to suspect this seemingly caring boyfriend is a psychopath.
Six months pregnant Martine Bernard's family reports her missing; days later, her father vanishes as well; when officers interview Martine's husband, Cassandritz Blanc, they find a calculating psychopath willing to do anything to cover his tracks.
When a 64-year-old grandmother does not return home from her morning walk, local police uncover that the man responsible for her disappearance is not only a pathological liar but a sexually deviant psychopath carrying out a twisted fantasy.
The idea that a child may possess the same wicked traits found in the most sadistic killers is every parent's worst nightmare; experts examine the early warning signs in psychopathic killers apprehended as teens and young adults.
N.G. Berrill
Samantha Turret
Andrew Colford
Stephen Dost
Kevin Fitzpatrick