El Diablo: The Devils Lair

El Diablo: The Devils Lair

S1 E4: In a New Mexico desert town, a car burns out of control. After the flames are doused, cops open the trunk and find the body of 45-year-old Barbara Lumsey. A tip leads cops to a woman, Patricia Sipes, who confesses that she drove the car, but wasnt alone. She says six people were involved in Barbara Lumseys murder, led by a powerful drug dealer named El Diablo. Cops sweep through town to pick up each suspect. They tell horrific stories about a 10-hour beating, but the coroner adds another awful detail: Barbara was alive when she was burned. Finally, the mastermind El Diablo is collared. A smooth talker, he says two women killed Barbara. El Diablo is cunning and charismatic, but can he control a jury like hes controlled other people?