Episode 1

Episode 1

S2 E1: Is anyone following the Oscar Trial this week? Neither are we, but only because we've been obsessed with deciding who to vote for, voting, and waiting for the vote results to come in. And boy, have the turn-outs been impressive. Viva democracy, viva! Panzi Oscar, panzi! In the thick of South Africa’s 2014 Elections, this week’s episode of Puppet Nation had to be a little different - a close telling of our country’s vote and the consequences we’re all going to face together, willing or not, and with or without a beret. Most of the votes may have already been counted, but as we all know, nothing's over until we find that fat lady, drag her onto stage and make her sing out loud the name of the winner. Do not discount last minute surprises, agents... so make sure you watch our special episode until its very end. Thumbs up to Democracy - we’re all part of this Puppet Nation together!