The First Empires

The First Empires

S1 E5: In Mesopotamia, kingdoms rise and fall until the coming of Hamurabi, who imposes his system of law and order – of which we are given a few illustrations. It is a time of mass migrations. Under the successive waves of invaders the Assyrians grow warlike. We see them about to turn Nineva into the capital of terror. The Medes and Babylonians join forces against this bloodthirsty beast. Finally, Nebuchadnezzer raises the proud city to the ground. Zarathoustra preaches in the streets of the sumptuous city of Babylon. But, in all this newfound opulence, who will listen to him? The Persian prince Cyrus was raised in the school of Zarathoustra. And when he builds his empire and conquers Babylon in 539, it is the first time in history that humankind experiences a good and generous conqueror...