Funny Story
After cheating on his wife for a woman half of his age, Walter (Matthew Glave) tries to dump his millennial girlfriend until he discovers that she is pregnant with his child. In the midst of a mid-life crisis, Walter decides to reconnect with his daughter, Nic (Jana Winternitz), by inviting himself to stay with her in Big Sur. Simultaneously, Kim (Emily Bett Rickards) is going through her own quarter-life crisis. After attending her estranged mother’s funeral, her beater car breaks down. And the only way for her to get to Big Sur is by catching a ride with Walter. Along the journey, the unlikely duo bond in unexpected ways that set off a chain of events sure to ruin the lives of everyone in their path.
Starring Matthew Glave, Emily Bett Rickards, Jana Winternitz
Director Michael J. Gallagher