Them Who?
On the eve of his big corporate presentation, the up and coming David meets Marcello, a colleague from Rome, who treats him to the night of his life with his two beautiful neighbors, Ellen and Mitra. When he wakes up the next morning, however, he has no wallet, no phone and he's overslept the presentation by a day. A victim of identity theft of the worst sort, David's not only had his bank account cleaned out by the thieves, but he's also been fired, and his girlfriend throws him out of the house. With nowhere else to go, David tracks down Marcello and the two girls. Apologizing profusely for the fraud, they offer to get his life back if he helps them with their latest scheme - posing as a television production company. Once he's had a taste for this life though, David's hooked, and devises a scam of his own, because if you can't beat them...join them!
Starring Marco Giallini, Edoardo Leo, Ivano Marescotti
Director Francesco Miccichè, Fabio Bonifacci