Available on Prime Video
FRIGHTFEST PRESENTS Videoman; a darkly comic, creepy and incredibly moving celebration of giallo, genre cinema and the films of Mike Leigh. From award-winning Swedish director Kristian A. Söderström, Videoman was one of Time Out's top picks to see at FrightFest 2018. Ennio a giallo-obsessed VHS collector with a drinking problem, finds a highly collectable video tape that could solve his money problems and save him from eviction. He makes a deal with a shady, anonymous collector before realising the video has been stolen. So begins Ennio's desperate hunt for the black-gloved perpetrator while, along the way, he meets Simone, an alcoholic woman obsessed with the 80s. As Ennio searches for the tape and begins to lose a grip on reality, his and Simone's mutual love of nostalgia draws them together. Can they find redemption in each other?
Starring Stefan Sauk, Lena Nilsson, Morgan Alling
Director Kristian A. Söderström
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