Wayfinder is the debut feature film from British-Ghanian artist Larry Achiampong. Set in a pandemic, it follows the Wanderer, a young girl played by Perside Rodrigues on an intrepid journey across England. Travelling from North to South, the Wanderer passes through different regions, towns and landscapes, encountering people, stories and situations on her way. Across six chapters, including 'The North', 'The Big Smoke' and 'The Kingdom of the East', this epic film builds a dialogue about class and economic exclusion, belonging and displacement, cultural heritage and the meaning of home. The Wanderer acts as a witness to accounts, conversations, places and histories. Setting out from the ancient paths of Hadrian's wall, she explores many environments, from a housing estate in Wolverhampton to E Pellicci Café in Bethnal Green, and the National Gallery deserted at night, eventually reaching the sea at Margate. A road movie of sorts, Wayfinder draws on British traditions of travel and exploration of the sublime landscape and the sea - reflecting on the division and crisis in the nation today. The film combines sweeping shots with poetic voice-over narratives, melded with real 'vox pop' testimonies, field recordings and an original orchestral score composed by Achiampong.
Perside Rodrigues, Mataio Austin Dean, Anita Neil OLY
Larry Achiampong