Cliff Robertson
Guest Appearances
BATMAN · S2, E25Come Back, Shame
Shame, a conniving cowboy of crime, and his western gang comprised of Okie Annie, Messy James and Rip Snorting, plan to build a super-powered truck, which will outrace even the Batmobile.
BATMAN · S2, E26It's How You Play the Game
The vibrations of the stampeding cattle cause the stake holding Batman's wrists to shake loose from the ground and, leaping to his feet, he takes off his cape and, in matador-style, guides the stampede away from himself and Robin.
An average ventriloquist finds he has a not-so-average dummy. With Cliff Robertson.
BATMAN · S3, E22The Great Train Robbery
Batman and Robin have Frontier Fanny in custody, but Shame, Calamity Jon, Fred and Chief Standing Pat have gone to an ammunition store to arm themselves.
BATMAN · S3, E21The Great Escape
Batman is unable to prevent a theft by crafty cowpoke Shame, who's escaped from prison.