Emma Caulfield
Hot-and-cool blonde Emma Caulfield bedeviled fans of TV's "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" when she first appeared as the demon Anyanka in 1999; her popularity proved so formidable, series creator Joss Wheadon added her to the show's regular cast a season later, reborn in the form human Anya Emerson. Caulfield, who earned a degree in psychology from San Francisco State University, first regularly graced the small screen in 1995 as a recurring character on the Fox's rich-youth-soap "Beverly Hills 90210" and went on to appear regularly on the venerable daytime drama "General Hospital" (1996-1997) before landing the recurring role on "Buffy." The series gave her enough horror cred to land her the lead in the dismal (but popular) horror film "Darkness Falls" (2003).