In 2021, in Newport News, Virginia, postal workers Jacquie Shabazz and Tashara Jackson fall out over an alleged affair, and a simmering feud explodes.
A simmering feud between Jerry Hancock and stepfather Gene Capps boils over when they fight over their family home. From food to finances, they’re at each other’s throats over everything until a night of violence finally tears the family apart for good.
In California, two friends fall out over a stolen bicycle, but friends and family soon realize there’s more to this feud than meets the eye. Petty arguments become physical altercations, all ending in a bloody and brutal showdown that leaves one man dead.
In Arizona, two men start an auto body repair business. At first, business is booming, but before long, a vicious feud erupts that quickly spirals out of control, leading to a mysterious disappearance and indisputable evidence of a brutal murder.