A ragtag bunch sets out across a nation at war to find and eliminate wangliang, evil spirits that latch onto negativity and turn humans into monsters.
The Hunters get word of a wangliang on the rampage, but the telltale miasma is nowhere to be found; a standoffish Xiao Ling strikes out on her own.
Xiao Ling ends up becoming a serious threat after coming across a disturbing incident in a village.
A deceitful fortuneteller breaks up the team of three blood brothers who might be the last hope for a war-torn country.
Ding Yan's distrust of Xiao Ling grows as he reunites with his old Sixth Unit comrades, who happen to have a problematic favour to ask of him.
Xiao Ling's Guizhan duty is over, but she seems far from recovering; the team tries to find a way to free her from a curse that they recently learned about.
Kensho Ono
Hisako Kanemoto
Makoto Furukawa
Shunsuke Machiya