Cassius Clay worked his way up from amateur boxer to Olympic gold medallist in 1960. Clay turned professional and moved to Miami, where he trained and taught himself how to promote. In 1962 he defeats Sonny Banks in his first fight.
After his first victory, Clay won every fight. He is introduced to the Nation of Islam and becomes a confidant of Malcolm X. In 1964, he beats Sonny Liston and becomes heavyweight champion.
Cassius Clay joins the Nation of Islam and adopts the name Muhammad Ali. For three years Ali dominated the heavyweight ranks, but in 1967 he refused service for the Vietnam War in the U.S. Army.
Muhammad Ali dominated the heavyweight ranks for three years. In 1967, he refused service for the Vietnam War and became one of the most reviled men in America. Ali is stripped of his title.
Ken Burns
Sarah Burns
David McMahon