A German and Austrian detective are thrown together when a frozen body is found on their border. Gripping Sky original.
The killer strikes a German businessman and his secret lover, leaving Ellie and Gedeon with more questions than answers.
Ellie and Gedeon meet a cult leader with links to their killer, but they can't stop him taking another life. Contains distressing scenes.
Ellie and Gedeon break the law when they set a trap for the killer. But they aren't the only ones playing games. Contains violence and distressing scenes.
Ellie and Gedeon clash as the investigation starts to take its toll. Then, they find a strange clue in a cold case.
The killer lands another heavy blow, which takes the detectives by surprise. Later, Ellie is targeted by the killer as revenge for her public comment about him.
Julia Jentsch
Ellie Stocker
Nicholas Ofczarek
Gedeon Winter
Franz Hartwig
Gregor Ansbach
Hanno Koffler
Claas Wallinger
Natasha Petrovic