In the Akatsuki Special Ward, the unfortunate turn to the Scard and their powerful tattoos for protection; one day, a youth named Yamato meets the town hero, a Scard named Eiji, and they get dragged into a battle with the criminal organisation Dusk.
After the fight with Dusk, Yamato wakes up in the hospital; Detective Kouga tells Yamato that Eiji's dead and pressures him to join the PSSS; Dusk mounts an attack to free its people from the hospital, Yamato is forced to make a choice.
Yamato tells Helios all about Eiji's death; he is suspected of being connected with the mysterious Fenrir; a girl who is being pursued by Artemis comes to Helios for help; Yamato and Kazuma go to escort her; they are waylaid by Ran and Jin.
While out looking for Fenrir, Kazuma and Yamato hear an explosion and find several large claw marks; Yamato runs off, and Itsuki goes after him; Kazuma takes on Kouga but is thwarted by Kouga's tattoo Fafnir.
Ran and Jin are pursuing a Dusk collaborator within Artemis and Fenrir; they first go to Titan for info on Fenrir then pay Ran's predecessor a visit hoping for some kind of breakthrough.
Left with questions about Yamato's behaviour after their recent clash, Itsuki visits Yamato's brother Minato seeking answers; Kazuma comes down with a cold after days of chasing Fenrir.
Atsushi Kousaka
Eiji Arashiba
Shoya Chiba
Kazuma Arashiba
Junya Enoki
Kagami Sakishima
Taku Yashiro
Koga Tatsuma
Tasuku Hatanaka
Itsuki Torataka