A look at how bats avoid bumping into each other at night. Why a bottlenose dolphin seeks out the help of a scuba diver. Ae cicadas expert mathematicians.
A look at why a herd of wild elephants check into the same hotel every year and what is causing giant bubble rings off the coast of Portland, Maine.
A look at which animals get the giggles. What would cause the sea lions of San Francisco to mysteriously swim away all at once, manta rays that synchronise swim.
A look at why a pair of giraffes turned white in Kenya, and why the world's fastest land animal is not always successful when hunting.
A look at why crows leave gifts in suburban Seattle; how it's possible a shark can be older than America. Find out who is making the mysterious crop circles at the bottom of the sea in Japan.
A look at why 25,000 honey bees would swarm a hot dog stand in the middle of Times Square. What would cause a healthy bat to hunker down in the snow. How is this crayfish super species threatening to take over the world.
Gillian Burke
Lucy Cooke
Forrest Galante
Bradley Trevor Greive
Dagmar Midcap