Queen Aleena Hedgehog tells the story of how Dr. Robotnik took over planet Mobius and how she had to give up her three children Sonic, Sonia, and Manic to fulfill a prophecy that one day the siblings will be able to rise against Robotnik's rule and restore peace to the planet.
Argus, a captain of the Queen's guard, is captured by Sleet and Dingo before he can reach the secret rendezvous where he was to meet Queen Aleena.
Sonic, Sonia and Manic return to their birthplace, Mobodoon, a beautiful, festive town.
Sonia travels to east Mobius to visit her friend Mindy at the LaTour estate.
Sleet and Dingo plan to collect the taxes owed to Robotnik from the Duke of Velcronia but keep it for themselves.
The sinister Robotnik blackmails Cyrus, an old friend of Sonic's, by holding his father hostage.
Blu Mankuma
Cusse Mankuma
Tabitha St. Germain
Brian Drummond
Merrilyn Gann