Jazz singer Rock Banyon finds himself accused of the murder of former lover Fresno Foxglove and world-class scientist Wilbur Stygamian; when the police give Rock three days to prove his innocence, he flees to Mexico.
Rock takes shelter in Mexico with former lover, Delores; when Rock is pursued by Salizar, Rock and Delores flee Mexico to lose him.
Rock performs on a jazz television show and later meets Kenton Price, a close friend of Stygamian's; Rock is accused of a second murder and the mystery deepens.
While trying to uncover the mystery, Kenton Price is shot; Rock goes to Stygamian's house where Rock is drugged in a secret lair.
Rock learns new details about the circumstances surrounding the murders of Fresno Foxglove and Stygamian from a secret source.
Rock is pursued by the FBI and uncovers the true murderer.
Will Ferrell