Celebrating BSL by talking to experts and people from the deaf community. Plus, Melinda Napier chats to her sister Davina and niece Philippa about how sign language in their family has changed.
The deaf community sees much higher rates of mental health problems compared with the hearing community. Here, experts and people from the community discuss the important topic.
Discussing being deaf and part of the LGBTQIA+ community, talking to members of the community to find out how attitudes have changed over the decades.
Ahmed Mudawi chats with Dr Kate Rowley and meets three former students from varied educational backgrounds to uncover their experiences and why they believe deaf students are still academically behind their hearing peers.
Ahmed investigates health and fitness, and why the deaf community is more likely to be overweight, have undiagnosed type 2 diabetes, and have high blood pressure.
Ahmed Mudawi chats with studio guest Reg Cobb about his experience of deaf clubs and their importance to deaf culture and deaf identity.
Ahmed Mudawi