One cat’s delicacy is another mouse’s poison. Tom and Jerry get caught in a thorny issue over the aroma of durian. Will the King of Fruits help reconcile their differences?
Tom & Jerry take their chase to the skies. Kite-flying has never been this intense. Who will emerge as the ultimate master of strings?
Tom is up to his usual nonsense, but two can play at this game as they take their chase into the neighbourhood. Leave it to Jerry to turn the tables on Tom!
Jerry has his eyes set on Tom’s catch of the day and is determined to stand in the way. Tom is also bent on getting a taste of the sea one way or the other! Will they sink or swim?
It’s another hot and humid day in Singapore. Cool down with Tom and Jerry by the beach as they chase each other into a frenzy for an icy delight – Ice Kachang!
Jerry fancies himself an artist, but Tom disagrees. Their artistic antics blur lines between art and chaos. Other than a trail of mess, what else will they leave behind?