Infamous teen murderer-turned private investigator, Amanda Pharrell, recruits disgraced ex-cop, Ted Conkaffey, to help her solve her first real case: the disappearance of a tech mastermind.
Ted and Amanda's hard work leads to Jong Min's remains being found in the river. Amanda is convinced there's a link between this death and that of her friend Lars.
A shocking revelation of an affair leads Amanda and Ted to focus their attention on Yoon Sun and Olivia as prime suspects, while Ted is confronted to discover his past is still very much in the present.
More of Jong Min's remains are recovered, leading Ted and Amanda's murder investigation down a darker path, just as Ted receives bombshell news from home.
Damford returns from a hard day's work, but when Joanne calls for his help, he immediately answers the call. Amanda ventures to Ted's house to feed the geese, discovering him unconscious on the floorboards after he dragged himself inside.
Ted wakes up on the floorboards. Now, clear headed, he ventures to the Shark Bar looking for Amanda. Amanda reveals the clue she found on her phone: a distinct footprint in Ted's blood on the driveway. Ted counters with a still from his new home security camera.
Thomas Jane
David Lyons
Lisa Duff
Karl Zwicky
Yolanda Ramke