Examining the heavy launchers that are an integral part to space research.
Researchers interested in Saturn's ring system utilise the Cassini probe, that has spent more than 13 years examining the Saturnian system.
A look at the working life of people who spend months orbiting in micro gravity on a research platform known as the International Space Station.
The solar system's largest planet has been visited by automated probes since the 1970s. Explore the work of the Galileo orbiter and the Juno probe that went into orbit around Jupiter.
Before spaceflight aviators began wearing pressure suits to allow them to function at higher ceilings. These aviation suits were adapted for the early Cosmonauts and Astronauts but requirements became more demanding.
For most of human history neighbouring planets were little more that dots of light in the sky with comets and asteroids being a complete mystery. Today the smaller rocky planets and asteroids are seen as the key to understanding the formation of the planetary system.
Brett Hughes
Evan Clark
Nico Jonker