After a crime in the distant reaches of the galaxy, the Jedi Order track down a prime suspect.
An assassin strikes again on a far-flung world; this time, the investigating Jedi team is there to attempt a capture.
On a mysterious planet, the tragic journey of two sisters begins.
Confident of the assassin's identity and methodology, the Jedi race to the deep jungles of a new world to intercept the suspect before she targets her next victim.
In a dense jungle, the Jedi are put to the test when they confront a rising darkness.
On a distant island world, two strangers confront unsettling questions about identity and destiny as they each plot their next moves; Sol tries to make his way home, but a traitor still exists within his ranks.
Amandla Stenberg
Lee Jung-jae
Master Sol
Manny Jacinto
Carrie-Anne Moss
Dafne Keen
Jecki Lon