Bananya is an adorable kitty who lives inside a banana and wishes to bathe in chocolate.
At the foot of a cat-shaped mountain sits a field of banana trees, which grow mysterious creatures that look like a mixture of cats and bananas.
With Baby Bananya's help, Bananya spends some time channel surfing.
Bananya is busy sharpening his claws when he spots a mouse and as he chases after it, the mouse stops to share his cracker with him.
Someone in the house leaves the refrigerator door open, so Bananya and his friends have to take a look inside.
Mama unknowingly takes Bananya to the supermarket because he fell asleep in her purse.
Yuki Kaji
Ayumu Murase
Tabby Bananya
Yoshikazu Ebisu
Kyo Yatate
Kazuhiko Hasegawa