Nominated for two Academy Awards®, Silverado stars Kevin Kline as Paden, a sweet-faced cowboy who teams up with three strangers while seeking his fortune in the American West. Loner Emmett (Scott Glenn) first saves Paden from death in the desert, then together they spring Emmett's brother Jake (Kevin Costner) from jail. Joining forces with Mal (Danny Glover), a black cowboy battling to save his family homestead, the four ride into Silverado, a little frontier town dominated by a corrupt sheriff (Brian Dennehy) with a gambling saloon run by a formidable woman named Stella (Linda Hunt). Though the new arrivals try to fit in, the powerful McKendricks clan will not rest until Emmett and his pals are dead. Confronted with injustice all around them, the four of them pull together and fight to put things right in the town of Silverado.