Zack O'Malley Greenburg

Zack O'Malley Greenburg

Zack O'Malley Greenburg (born New York City) is an American writer, journalist and former child actor. He is a senior editor at Forbes magazine, where he covers music, media and entertainment. He is also the author of three books: 3 Kings: Diddy, Dr. Dre, Jay-Z and Hip-Hop's Multibillion-Dollar Rise (Little, Brown, 2018); Michael Jackson, Inc.: The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of a Billion-Dollar Empire (Atria/Simon & Schuster, 2014); and Empire State of Mind: How Jay-Z Went From Street Corner to Corner Office (Penguin/Portfolio, 2011). He has a fourth book in progress, A-List Angels: How a Band of Actors, Artists, and Athletes Hacked Silicon Valley (Little, Brown, 2020). He played Lorenzo Odone in the 1992 film Lorenzo's Oil.
