Naughty Jatts
A Punjabi Romantic Comedy directed by Pankaj Batra, revolves around Simmy (Neeru Bajwa), a young bubbly girl with a strict upbringing whose dream is to become a singer one day. Her school friends Rocky (Aryan Babbar) and Laali (Binnu Dhillon) are madly in love with Simmy but are unable to show their feelings to her. There arrives charming Balwinder (Roshan Prince) from village, a good singer and he too develops a thing for her. A contest is devised by Simmy, which shall decide her to-be groom by winning the singing contest and all three suitors begin to plan their own tricks to win the contest. Now, who will win Simmy's heart, forms the rest of the plot. A non-stop entertainer and a spree of LOL, will continue to scintillate your senses.
Arya Babbar, Neeru Bajwa, Roshan Prince
Pankaj Batra