The disabled son of a wealthy family is banished to await death in exile.
Tamahiko receives shocking news from home; a shopping trip to Tokyo provides a welcome change of pace.
Yuzuki brings a gloomy Tamahiko to an enchanted corner of the mountain.
A hard-working Yuzuki collapses in the summer heat, causing Tamahiko to question his worth as her partner.
Yuzuki holds a celebration for Tamahiko that means more to him than either one realizes.
Tamahiko winds up doing the thief's family a favor.
Yusuke Kobayashi
Tamahiko Shima
Saya Aizawa
Yuzuki Tachibana
Yume Miyamoto
Tamako Shima
Shunsuke Sakuya
Tamayoshi Shima
Fumiya Imai
Tamaki Shima