William DeMeo
William DeMeo was an accomplished actor who led an impressive career, primarily on the big screen. DeMeo started his entertainment career by acting in comedies like "Layin' Low" (1997) with Jeremy Piven. He kept working in film throughout the early 2000s, starring in the Robert De Niro comedy sequel "Analyze That" (2002), "Wannabes" (2002) and "One Deadly Road" (2007). His work around this time also included a part on the TV movie "Boss of Bosses" (TNT, 2000-01). Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in "Searching for Bobby DeNiro" (2008) with Michael Rispoli and "Vito Bonafacci" (2011) with Paul Borghese. Most recently, DeMeo acted in "Once Upon A Time In Brooklyn" (2013).