Hard Tide
'Hard Tide' tells the incredible true story of Jake (Nathanael Wiseman), a small time dealer, raised in the care system in an impoverished English coastal town. As a turf war brews around him, his world is thrown into complete chaos when he inadvertently befriends a neglected 9 year old girl, Jade (Alexandra Newick), and takes her home, out of harm’s way. A fight erupts between Jake and her volatile alcoholic father resulting in the dad’s accidental death. Fearing that the authorities won’t believe him and not wanting Jade to follow in his footsteps by entering the care system, Jake decides to try and look after the girl by himself. But can a criminal from the bottom rung of society’s ladder ever do the right thing in the eyes of authority? 'Hard Tide' is a thriller drama with a big heart about the courage people can find in the most difficult of circumstances and the transformative decisions we make.
Starring Nathanael Wiseman, Alexandra Newick
Director Robert Osman, Nathanael Wiseman