May 1945: Stranded with her younger siblings after their Nazi parents are imprisoned during the dying days of WWII, the young Lore (a stunning breakthrough performance by Saskia Rosendahl) leads the remains of her family across war-torn Germany. Among the chaos of a defeated nation, Lore encounters Thomas, a young Jewish refugee who begins to follow and help them. Lore finds her fragile reality shattered by feelings of both hatred and desire for Thomas, and as the consequences of her parent’s actions and beliefs slowly become apparent, she must begin to face the darkness within herself… Shot in bold, striking style by Cate Shortland’s (Somersault) keen, eloquent, cinematic eye, LORE is a mesmerizing, meticulously realized vision of a harrowing yet moving story.
Starring Saskia Rosendahl, Nele Trebs, Mike Weidner
Director Cate Shortland