Next Goal Wins
In 2001, the tiny Pacific island of American Samoa suffered a world record 31-0 defeat at the hands of Australia. Ten years later they're still the worst soccer team on the planet and have yet to score a goal. And so they turn to maverick coach Thomas Rongen to help turn their fortunes around. The Dutchman arrives to discover his ailing squad includes the emotionally scarred goalkeeper who conceded 31 goals against Australia, a fa'fafine central defender, and soon learns his best player has been posted 6000 miles away by the US military. With the team about to embark on another gruelling World Cup Qualification campaign, Rongen has just one month to transform this ragtag of losers into a winning team - and perhaps learn a little about himself along the way.
Starring Thomas Rongen, Jaiyah Saelua, Nicky Vitolio Salapu
Director Mike Brett, Steve Jamison