The Thread
The Threa is a groundbreaking documentary that exposes how the internet manhunt for the Boston Marathon bombers changed the face of journalism forever and the undeniable impact that amateur internet writers and social media are having on journalism today. Following the deadly attacks on the 2013 Boston Marathon, amateur Internet sleuths took to Twitter and Reddit, intent on identifying the perpetrators of the biggest terror attach on US soil since 9/11. Set against a backdrop of the week-long hunt for the terrorists on the streets of Boston, this documentary reveals the parallel, unofficial online investigation that captured the world's imagination, but led to innocent people being accused of the crime. Directed by Greg Barker (Manhunt), produced by Alice Perman (The Hamburg Cell) and executive produced by Emmy Award-winning producer Jonathan Chinn (American High) and Academy Award-winning producer Simon Chinn (Man on Wire), THE THREAD explores how the media landscape has been transformed by advancements in technology and widespread use of social media. The documentary features interviews with journalists and bosses of global media giants, alongside the social media users who were dedicated to the hunt for the Boston Marathon bombers.
Starring Kevin Cheetham, Gavon Laessig, Robert Mackey
Director Greg Barker