Serge Bozon

Serge Bozon was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Bozon kickstarted his acting career in various films such as "La Croisade d'Anne Buridan" (1995) with Judith Cahen, the Charles Berling dramatic adaptation "L' Ennui" (1999) and "La Revolution sexuelle n'a pas eu lieu" (1999). He also appeared in the Fabienne Babe drama "Les Passagers" (1999). He kept working in film throughout the early 2000s, starring in "Man's Gentle Love" (2002), "L' idiot" (2009) and "The Wolberg Family" (2009) with François Damiens. Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in the foreign "Hand in Hand" (2012) with Valerie Lemercier, "Grandes Ondes (à l'ouest)" (2013) with Valérie Donzelli and the Cedric Kahn dramedy "Tirez La Langue, Mademoiselle" (2013). He also appeared in "The Blue Room" (2014). Bozon most recently directed the dramatic comedy "Tip Top" (2014) with Isabelle Huppert.
