Hidden behind the apparent innocence of a young woman travelling with her stepmother, police officers began to suspect something strange at Bogata airport. In the end the officers stop one of the biggest drug smuggling attempts in years.
Dogs are able to detect an otherwise ingeniously hidden drugs shipment. Later, the race is on to save the life of a man who has attempted to smuggle cocaine capsules inside his stomach.
After being arrested with cocaine in his suitcase, a man accuses his son-in-law of tricking him; two individuals posing as a couple of young tourists turn out to be complete strangers carrying cocaine capsules inside their bodies.
Immigration agents find themselves having to stop a person from travelling under a fake identity. Plus, a passenger who claims to have been doing someone a favour could face years in jail.
Passengers share the circumstances that left them with no choice but to smuggle cocaine. A man gets creative when hiding his stash and law enforcement must stay on top of their game to fight the organisations who use the most diverse methods.
After an inspection reveals that a pair of innocent-looking high heels are more than they seem, the passenger carrying them claims he was doing someone a favour without realising what they were.
Draaco Aventura
Diego (Immigration)