Roy explores the power of cooking to rehabilitate those on the margins of society and the organizations taking a chance on those who need it most. Roy spends time with Father Greg Boyle of Homeboy and Homegirl Industries. Roy also visits Mar Diego, a former drug dealer-turned-food entrepreneur who has opened Dough Girl, a pizza shop employing local kids struggling with drug use and homelessness.
Roy meets the individuals bringing healthy and affordable food options into L.A. communities. The journey begins with revolutionary sidewalk gardener Ron Finley. Roy also visits grocer Olympia Auset, whose startup Süprmarkt delivers healthy and affordable food to her community. Finally, Roy visits Earle's Hot Dogs, a hot dog cart that has grown into a multi-location brick and mortar shop.
Roy explores future culinary landscapes looking forward to a world affected by climate change. Roy spends an evening with chefs from Hank and Bean who make plant-forward dinner featuring non-traditional protein sources. Roy also visits with Ethan Brown of Beyond Meat, a company pioneering the plant-based replacements for our favorite burgers and sausages.
Roy visits Chris Yang's Pop Cultivate to explore the emergence of a new culinary landscape since the advent of legalized marijuana. Roy tackles the gentrification of cannabis culture by visiting Med Men. An interview with Virgil Grant sheds light on efforts to build cannabis equity for those hit hardest by the War on Drugs. Roy also interviews Cheech Marin and Shep Gordon.
Roy discovers how two non-profit innovators are tackling the problem of food waste. Roy visits LA Kitchen is aggregating wasted food, using it to cook fresh meals for those in need. Roy also visits Bracken's Kitchen who partners with Chefs to End Hunger to reuse leftover food. Roy also visits with Richard Garcia at Alma Backyard Farms in Compton where kids are learning how food is grown.
Roy takes a head-on look at efforts to heal the social and economic wounds of Watts, acknowledging one of the oldest communities in Los Angeles as a mirror into ourselves and our future.
Roy Choi
James Mann
Juan Devis
Larry Fitzgibbon