Angelina's chest lump affects her love-life; Delano has a football-sized mass on his back.
Melissa covered her huge lipoma with a sweatshirt for years, while Tyler's fear of cancer stopped his head lumps being diagnosed and Tahj is covered in painful boils that are in need of medical assistance.
Ronen has a huge but mysterious lump above his knee. Meanwhile Amber is suffering from a debilitating skin disease no one understands. Furthermore, Sandy has a neck lump she calls Tommy.
Diane has thousands of tumours all over her body that have ruined her life. Plus, Will is worried his shoulder lump will be ripped open at work.
Half of Mary's body is a size 18 while the other is an 8, meanwhile Anthony's cyst is in the area called the Triangle of Death, and Shane wants to get a lump off his back.
Belinda's lump on her neck causes her to be immobile, Nicole will not get married until she gets her arm pit lump removed. Meanwhile, Nick unwisely removed a lipoma at home and now needs help.
Sandra Lee
Gary C. Warren
Lauren Katz
Casey Brumels
Brad Kuhlman