The Book of Revelation describes mankind's end of days: a seven-year period of unparalleled death and destruction. An exploration of whether current events are mirroring these prophecies.
Was Leonardo Da Vinci, one of history's great philosophers, artists and engineers, also one of its greatest prophets? Explore the hidden meanings behind his finest works.
Investigating the biblical prophecy of the rapture that predicts millions of people will abruptly vanish and God's wrath will descend on those left behind.
Uncover coded warnings about terrible tribulations set to strike us, hidden in ancient architecture around the world. Can we avoid our fate by heeding them?
An investigation of Nostradamus's prediction of the third antichrist. Looking at the Nazi German leader Adolf Hitler and his attempts to build an Aryan race.
One of the ancient scrolls discovered near the Dead Sea in 1947 spells out, in chilling detail, a future apocalyptic war.
Phil Crowley
Luke Ellis
Matthew P. Hickey
Marlene Braga