Ryan Serhant meets Tim, a struggling wine salesman, with one week to determine why Tim is struggling to sell a single bottle to his customers.
Ryan heads to a waxing salon in Tribeca to help Mariel, a woman struggling to discuss products with her customers. Ryan does his best to make her feel comfortable, despite the sticky situations it puts him in.
Ryan attempts to help an inexperienced salesperson who hasn't managed to make a sale in the kitchen and custom cabinet retail industry.
Averaging less than one hot tub sale a month, Amanda has one week to improve her selling skills or lose her job.
Erick was once his company's top apartment rental agent, but there's a new rival at his company who is determined to take over Erick's spot and his clients.
Jill hangs on by a thread at her dress sales job and her boss, Jacqueline, doesn't budge an inch. Ryan has just five days to help Jill reach Maddie's level, who is a sequin-selling superstar and averages four times the commissions as Jill.
Ryan Serhant
Randy Barbato
Fenton Bailey
Tom Campbell
Danielle King