When Leah wishes for help making cupcakes for the bake sale, she and the genies get stuck with a giant birthday cake, some farm animals and a river of batter!
Leah and Zac try building a treehouse but find themselves in over their heads. Leah asks her genies for a treehouse, but her house becomes a house of trees!
Leah and Zac want to watch their favourite film, but when Leah's popcorn burns and the movie won't play, it looks like movie night is a no-go.
When Leah's party food accidentally gets run over by Zac in his battery-operated car, Leah needs to work out what else to bring.
Leah notices Zac the Magician's magic tricks aren't going quite so well, so she calls on her genies for some real magic assistance.
When Leah's bucket full of beach treasures floats into the vast ocean, Leah summons Shimmer and Shine to help her retrieve the loot.
Alina Foley
Eva Bella
Isabella Cramp
Blake Bertrand
Dee Bradley Baker