Moving to an exotic new home, an adventurous teenager meets a new group of kids and discovers a dragon in the fissure.
Tom forges a friendship with the dragon and discovers an entire world of dragons within the fissure.
Tom and Jun encounter unexpected dangers and are separated while exploring the Hidden Realm of dragons. Tom introduces Jun to the dragon world, and Jun bonds with a dragon of her own – Wu and Wei.
Tom and Jun take a risk in revealing the secret of the Hidden Realm to D’Angelo to aid an injured dragon, and D’Angelo bonds with Plowhorn.
Tom and the others debate how to keep the dragons a secret, even as a rambunctious young “cloaking” dragon gets loose in town and pursues a friendship with a reluctant Alex.
Tom and the Riders try to save ICARIS when it’s revealed to be in danger from a monstrous dragon.
Jeremy Shada
Tom Kullersen
Julia Stiles
Olivia Kullerson
Marcus Scribner
D'Angelo Baker
Aimee Garcia
Alexandra Gonzalez
Ashley Liao
Jun Wong