Ancient Rome's elite plot against the rioting citizens. A cunning Plebeian schemes to change his fate. Spanish brothers arrive to sell horses for the Roman Games. Three African siblings are forcibly taken to Rome, followed by their vengeful mother.
Tenax and Domitian form a racing faction and recruit Scorpus. Antonia and Marsus undermine their efforts while Cala offers to help Tenax to protect her daughters. Emperor Vespasian ponders on his successor.
Kwame and Viggo bond over their ill-fated futures. The Gold Faction put on a lavish display at the inaugural chariot races. Queen Berenice tries to convince Titus of his brother's treacherous plans to claim the throne. Vespasian chooses his heir.
Titus shuts down the Gold Faction to appease the Patricians while Scorpus, suspicious of Tenax's plan, joins the White Faction. Domitian orchestrates a grisly spectacle to show his strength. Tenax meets Ursus, a dangerous man from his past.
To save his image and cement his authority, Titus sends Berenice away and marries his cousin, a Roman. Tenax's dark past is finally revealed, and his chase for Ursus leaves someone dead. Kwame prepares for his fight with Flamma.
A dark day looms over Rome with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Titus punishes Marsus and the Patricians involved in a planned coup. Domitian convinces Titus to reinstate the Gold Faction. Tenax is dangerously wounded in battle.
Anthony Hopkins
Emperor Vespasian
Iwan Rheon
Tom Hughes
Titus Flavianus
Sara Martins
Gabriella Pession