MANJA (17) lives in a high-rise estate on the outskirts of the city. When the freedom loving rebel LOUK (17) literally falls into her arms in the forest while fleeing from hunters, whose prey she scared away, it is the beginning of a first big love. No lies, no traces left behind, no fear – this is Louk's credo. And Manja follows her in silent devotion. When Manja realizes that Louk’s ideals and rebellious behavior are caused by a deep emotional wound that the loss of her mother left behind, she helps her to say goodbye to the past. But their roadtrip becomes something more, as Louk and Manja not just learn more about themselves but also get closer to each other than ever before. AIR is a cinematic poem about the freedom of love and the purity of the heart.
Starring Paula Hüttisch, Lara Feith, Matthias Neukirch
Director Anatol Schuster