Catch a Fire
Shot on location in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Mozambique, this political thriller is based on the real-life story of Patrick Chamusso. The film takes place in South Africa, spanning from the country's turbulent and divided years in the 1980s to the present day. Patrick (played by Derek Luke) is an oil refinery employee and soccer player who is apolitical – until he and his wife are brutalized by government-sanctioned terror squads. Shocked into action, Patrick reorients his sense of self and purpose. Even as policeman Nic Vos (Academy Award winner Tim Robbins) further insinuates himself into the lives of Patrick and his family, Patrick becomes a rebel fighter and political operative, staging daring solo attacks against the brutal apartheid regime. Change must and will come, not only for South Africa but also for Patrick, Nic, and those closest to them.
Starring Tim Robbins, Derek Luke, Bonnie Henna
Director Phillip Noyce