Austin Butler
Guest Appearances
ARROW · S3, E11Midnight City
Arsenal and Diggle confront Laurel about trying to fight in her sister's shoes and warn her to stop before she gets herself killed. However, when Brick (guest star Vinnie Jones) kidnaps the city's Aldermen and threatens to kill them all unless the police evacuate The Glades, it's all suits on deck. Meanwhile, Ray steps in to help Lance and the police force fight Brick – showing Felicity a new side of her boss. Malcolm tells Thea that Ra's al Ghul is after him and his family and they must leave town immediately.
HANNAH MONTANA · S2, E7My Best Friend's Boyfriend
Miley becomes an amateur detective when she discovers that her best friend Lily's boyfriend is a two-timing Romeo. She's determined to catch him out.
ARROW · S3, E7Draw Back Your Bow
Oliver must stop an Arrow-obsessed serial killer, Carrie Cutter (guest star Amy Gumenick), who is convinced that The Arrow is her one true love and will stop at nothing to get his attention. Unfortunately, her way of getting his attention is to kill people. Meanwhile, Ray asks Felicity to be his date for a work dinner with important clients. Thea auditions new DJs for Verdant and meets Chase (guest star Austin Butler), a brash DJ with whom she immediately clashes.
ARROW · S3, E13Canaries
Oliver is thrown by the changes within Team Arrow. He's used to calling the shots but sees that the team has evolved in his absence and tensions quickly escalate in the lair. Oliver is furious that Laurel has been going out as the Black Canary and tells her to stop risking her life, but when Vertigo (Peter Stormare) hits the streets again, Laurel goes against Oliver's wishes and tracks down Vertigo who hits her with a full dose of the drug. Laurel's biggest fears revolve around her sister Sara (Caity Lotz) so the Vertigo causes her to hallucinate an epic fight between Canary and Black Canary. Meanwhile, Chase surprises Thea; and Roy warns her to stay away from Malcolm.